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Christian Youth Work

The definitive book on Christian Youth Work

Jonathan Carswell, Mark Ashton and Phil Moon

Christian Youth Work

The definitive book on Christian Youth Work

Jonathan Carswell, Mark Ashton and Phil Moon


The Definitive book on Christian Youth Work. -Ian Fry

The statistics are brutally clear. One thousand teenagers a week are leaving the church. Support among young people is decaying fast. For every church that has a flourishing youth group, there are three more that have none.

Mark Ashton and Phil Moon, both experienced youth leaders, put forward a strategy for youth work which is both radical and biblical: Christian youth work must be different from all other forms of youth work. It must be distinct in its aim, because Christians have a unique view of what it is to be a human being… We want to give Christians a renewed vision for young people, a new confidence in what they can do for them, how they can do it and why they should do it.

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