'I was aware of a slight unease. In all my years at the hospital, I had never had a hoax call. Suddenly out of the darkness ran two masked figures in camouflage clothing pointing something shaped like a gun, covered in leaves. "You won’t scare me. You won’t get the better of me." flashed through my mind as I reached out to grab the weapon …'
When twenty-five-year-old Maud Kells gave up her home in Ireland to replace martyred missionaries in Congo she was acutely aware of the risk she was taking. Despite the state of the war-torn country, her own reserved nature and the objections of her family, she chose to follow the God who promised, 'I am with you. That is all you need.’ This is the remarkable story of an ordinary woman who decided to walk through the door God opened for her, whatever the cost.
What others are saying about An Open Door:
"Remarkable, inspirational, heart-warming." Rev Dr Paul Bailie, Chief Executive Mission Africa
"As I read, I was challenged to walk closer with the Lord, to become more like Him each day, and to finish well the work the He has given me to do. A life of significance can be a great adventure! This book reveals the secret of how to make it so." Jon Cadd, MAF Pilot and Program Manager East Congo
"A wonderful account of an extraordinary life. A truly exceptional woman." Lady Sylvia Hermon, MP
"A power-filled story of God at work." Pauline Kennedy, PCI Women’s Ministry and Presbyterian Women Development Officer
"This book will leave its reader amazed at what one life can accomplish when poured out in love toward God and others in total self-sacrifice." Dr Pat Morton
"Inspiring." Dr John Murton, HM Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
"Maud’s story is an inspiring example of life in the service of our Lord, an example that is needed in today’s world." Susan Sutton, International Director WEC International
"I was gripped by the fear of some moments and great rejoicing in others." Dr Philip Wood, WEC Canada
An Open Door