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Practically Trained Pastors (Spanish)

Formación Práctica Para Pastores

Brian Croft and James B Carroll

Practically Trained Pastors (Spanish)

Formación Práctica Para Pastores

Brian Croft and James B Carroll



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Esta guía de campo de 52 semanas para el ministerio en las trincheras aporta un programa de entrenamiento completo y práctico para pastores, aspirantes a pastores y líderes de ministerios en la iglesia.

Abordando siete áreas claves en la vida de un pastor, Formación Práctica Para Pastores utiliza una estrategia de paso a paso. Cada semana dispone de un pasaje bíblico para leer, otra tarea de lectura, una sección de enseñanza, un vídeo de 4-5 minutos para ver y preguntas de reflexión para ayudarle a aplicar cada tema a su contexto ministerial.

Esta guía de campo se basa en las experiencias de décadas de ministerio pastoral. Se diseñó con el propósito de romper las distancias entre los estudios académicos y la capacitación práctica necesaria para el ministerio del pastor.

Recomendaciones sobre Practical Shepherding y sus recursos:

“Brian Croft es un cuidadoso guía del ministerio bíblico fiel y una voz necesaria entre los pastores evangélicos. Es un practicante considerado y teológicamente comprometido y una fuente de sana sabiduría.” – Albert Mohler, Rector, Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur

“La combinación de los años de experiencia en el ministerio de la iglesia local que tiene Brian Croft, la sabiduría que Dios le ha otorgado y el amor que tiene por los pastores, hacen que esté excepcionalmente capacitado para ministrar a los pastores subordinados del Pastor Supremo. Su experiencia, su pasión por pastorear y su credibilidad le otorgan un ministerio eficaz a la hora de cubrir las necesidades de los pastores.” – Bob Russell, Pastor Emérito, Southeast Christian Church

This 52-week field guide for ministry in the trenches provides a thorough and practical training program for pastors, aspiring pastors, and church ministry leaders. 

Tackling seven key areas in the life of a shepherd, Practically Trained Pastors takes a step-by-step approach to study. Each week includes a Bible passage to read, an additional reading assignment, a teaching section, a 4-5 minute video to watch, and reflection questions to help you to apply each topic to your ministry context.  

The field guide draws on experience from decades of pastoral ministry and is designed specifically to bridge the gap between academic study and the hands-on practical training necessary for the work of any pastor. 

A one-stop resource for in-the-field training, when used alongside other Practical Shepherding resources, this is the ideal course for a solo pastor to sharpen his pastoral skills, or for a lead pastor to use with his church interns, ministry leaders, or fellow elders.

Praise for Practical Shepherding and their resources:

“Brian Croft is a careful guide to faithful biblical ministry and a needed voice among Evangelical pastors. He is a thoughtful, theologically engaged practitioner and a source of sound wisdom on matters of ministry.” – Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Brian Croft loves pastors. I have benefited from his mentorship from afar through the resources of Practical Shepherding." – H.B. Charles Jr., Pastor, Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL

“The Practical Shepherding books are a must-read for pastors. Brian Croft has become a pastor to pastors. Always practical and always biblical, he answers the tough questions, mentoring us from afar.” – Tim Challies, Founder,

"Brian Croft’s years of experience in local church ministry combined with his God-given wisdom and love for pastors uniquely equip him to minister to God’s undershepherds. His experience, heart for shepherding and credibility make his ministry effective in meeting needs.” – Bob Russell, former pastor, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY

“Practical Shepherding books...should be read and re-read by every pastor as an all-important health check.”– Conrad Mbewe, Pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia; Chancellor of the African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia; author, God's Design for the Church

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